

Here is a list of books and articles that we are finding relevant to the project. They are organized alphabetically under the themes of disability history/disability studies, industrialization, and the coal industry.


Disability History/Disability Studies 

  • Albrecht, G and Bury, M. (2001) Handbook of Disability Studies (London: Sage Publications).
  • Anderson, J. (2009) ‘Voices in the Dark: Representations of Disability in Historical Research’, Journal of Contemporary History, 44 (1): 107-16.
  • Anderson, J. and Carden-Coyne, A. (2007) ‘Enabling the Past: New Perspectives in the History of Disability’, European Review of History, 14 (4): 447-57.
  • Anderson, J., Neary, F. and Pickstone, J. (2007) Surgeons, Manufacturers and Patients: A Transatlantic History of Total Hip Replacement (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan).
  • Anderson, J. and Pemberton, N. (2007) ‘Walking Alone: Aiding the War and Civilian Blind in the Inter-war Period’, European Review of History, 14 (4): 459-479.
  • Barnes, C. (1997) ‘A Legacy of Oppression: A History of Disability in Western Culture’, in Barton, L. and Oliver, M. (eds) Disability Studies: Past, Present and Future (Leeds: The Disability Press).
  • Barnes, C. and Mercer, G. (eds) Exploring the Divide: Illness and Disability (Leeds: Disability Press).
  • Baynton, D. (2001) ‘Disability and the Justification of Inequality in American History’, in Longmore, P.K. and Umansky, L. (eds) The New Disability History: American Perspectives (New York: New York University Press).
  • Borsay, A. (2005) Disability and Social Policy in Britain since 1750: A History of Exclusion (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan).
  • Borsay, A. (forthcoming) ‘History and Disability Studies: Evolving Perspectives’, in Watson, N., Thomas, C. and Roulstone, A. (eds) Routledge Companion to Disability Studies (London: Routledge).
  • Bourke, J. (1996) Dismembering the Male: Men’s Bodies, Britain and the Great War (London: Reaktion).
  • Bredberg, E. (1999) ‘Writing Disability History: Problems, Perspectives and Sources’, Disability and Society, 14 (2): 189-201.
  • Carden-Coyne, A. (2009) Reconstructing the Body: Classicism, Modernism, and the First World War (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
  • Cohen, D. (2001) The War Come Home: Disabled Veterans in Britain and Germany, 1914-1939 (Berkeley: University of California Press).
  • Cooter, R. (1993) Surgery and Society in Peace and War: Orthopaedics and the Organization of Modern Medicine, 1880-1948 (Basingstoke: Macmillan).
  • Cooter, R. (2000) ‘The Disabled Body’, in Cooter, R. and Pickstone, J. (eds) Companion to Medicine in the Twentieth Century (London: Routledge).
  • Corker, M. and Shakespeare, T. (eds) (2002) Disability/Postmodernity: Embodying Disability Theory (London: Continuum).
  • Davis, L (1995) Enforcing Normalcy: Disability, Deafness and the Body (London: Verso).
  • Durbach, N. (2009) Spectacle of Deformity: Freak Shows and Modern British Culture (Berkeley: University of California Press).
  • Finkelstein, V. (1980) Attitudes and Disabled People: Issues for Discussion (New York: World Rehabilitation Fund).
  • Garland-Thomson, R. (ed.) (1996) Freakery: Cultural Spectacles of the Extraordinary Body (New York: New York University Press).
  • Garland-Thomson, R. (1997) Extraordinary Bodies: Figuring Disability in American Culture and Literature (New York: Columbia University Press).
  • Garland-Thomson R. (2009) Staring: How we Look (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
  • Gleeson, B. J. (1997) ‘Disability Studies: A Historical Materialist View’, Disability and Society 12 (2): 179-202.
  • Gleeson, B. (1999) Geographies of Disability (London: Routledge).
  • Humphries, S and Gordon, P. (1992) Out of Sight: The Experience of Disability, 1900-1950 (Plymouth: Northcote House).
  • Hutchinson, I. (2007) A History of Disability in Nineteenth-Century Scotland (Lampeter: Edwin Mellen).
  • Kudlick, C.J. (2003) ‘Disability History: Why We Need Another “Other”’, American Historical Review, 108 (3): 763-93.
  • Longmore, P. (2003) Why I Burned My Book and Other Essays on Disability (Philadelphia: Temple University Press).
  • Longmore, P.K. and Umansky, L. (eds) (2001) The New Disability History: American Perspectives (New York: New York University Press).
  • McIvor, A.J. and Johnson, R. (2007) Miners’ Lung: A History of Respiratory Disease in the British Coal Industry (Aldershot: Ashgate).
  • Meade, T. And Serlin, D. (eds) (2006) Radical History Review: Disability and History, 94 (Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press).
  • Metzl, J.M. and Poirier, S. (eds) (2005) Difference and Identity: A Special Issue of Literature and Medicine (Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press).
  • Mitchell, D. T. and Snyder, S.L. (eds) (1997) The Body and Physical Difference: Discourses of Disability (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press).
  • Morus, IR. (ed.) Bodies/Machines (Oxford: Berg).
  • Oliver, M. (1990) The Politics of Disablement (Basingstoke: Macmillan).
  • Parr, S., Watson, N. and Woods, B. (2006) ‘Access, Agency and Normality: The Wheelchair and the Internet as Mediators of Disability’, in Webster, A. (ed.) New Technologies in Health Care: Challenge, Change and Innovation (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan).
  • Phillips, G. (2004) The Blind in British Society: Charity, State and Community, c.1780-1930 (Aldershot: Ashgate). 
  • Riddell, S. and Watson, N. (1993) ‘Disability, Culture and Identity: Introduction’, in Riddell, S. and Watson, N. (eds) Disability, Culture and Identity (Harlow: Pearson Education).
  • Shakespeare, T. (2006) Disability Rights and Wrongs (Abingdon: Routledge).
  • Snyder, S. L., Brueggemann, B. J. and Garland-Thomas, R. (eds) (2002) Disability Studies: Enabling the Humanities (New York: The Modern Language Association of America).
  • Snyder, S. L. and Mitchell D. T. (2006), Cultural Locations of Disability (Chicago: University of Chicago Press).
  • Stiker, H. J. (1999) A History of Disability (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press).
  • Stone, D. (1984) The Disabled State (Basingstoke: Macmillan).
  • Thomas, C. (2007) Sociologies of Disability and Illness: Contested Ideas in Disability Studies and Medical Sociology (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan).
  • Tremain, S. (ed.) (2005) Foucault and the Government of Disability (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press). 
  • Tromp, M. (ed.) (2008) Victorian Freaks: The Social Context of Freakery in Britain (Columbus: Ohio State University Press).
  • Turner, D. and Stagg K. (eds) (2006) Social Histories of Disability and Deformity (London: Routledge).
  • Watson, N. and Woods, B. (2005) ‘The Origins and Early Development of Special/Adaptive Wheelchair Seating’, Social History of Medicine, 18 (3): 459-474.
  • Woods, B. And Watson, N. (2004) ‘In Pursuit of Standardization: The Ministry of Health’s 8F Model Wheelchair, 1948-1962’, Technology and Culture, 45 (3): 540-568.



  • Allen, R.C. (2009) The British Industrial Revolution in Global Perspective (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).
  • Ashton, T.S. (1948) The Industrial Revolution (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
  • Deane, P. (1965) The First Industrial Revolution (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).
  • Hudson, P. (1992) The Industrial Revolution (London: Edward Arnold).
  • King, S. and Timmins, G. (2001) Making Sense of the Industrial Revolution: English Economy and Society, 1700-1850 (Manchester: Manchester University Press).
  • Landes, D.S. (2003) The Unbound Prometheus: Technical Change and Industrial Development in Western Europe from 1750 to the Present, 2nd edn (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).
  • Mathias, P. (2001) The First Industrial Nation: The Economic History of Britain, 1700-1914, 3rd edn (London: Routledge).
  • Mokyr, J. (1993) ‘The New Economic History and the Industrial Revolution’, in Mokyr, J. (ed.) The British Industrial Revolution: An Economic Perspective (Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press).
  • Solar, P. (1995) ‘Poor Relief and English Economic Development before the Industrial Revolution’, Economic History Review, 48: 1-22.
  • Teich, M and Porter, R. (eds) (1996) The Industrial Revolution in National Context: Europe and the USA (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).


The coal industry

  • Armstead, R. (2002)  Black Days, Black Dust: The Memoirs of an African American Coal Miner (Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press).
  • Arnot, R.P. (1955) A History of the Scottish Miners from the Earliest Times (London: Allen and Unwin).
  • Ashworth, W., (1986) The History of the British Coal Industry: Vol.5, 1946-1982: The Nationalized Industry (Oxford: Clarendon).
  • Benson, J. (1980) British Coalminers in the Nineteenth Century: A Social History (Dublin: Gill and MacMillan Ltd).
  • Berger, S. (2001) ‘Working-class Culture and the Labour Movement in South Wales and the Ruhr Coalfields, 1850-2000: A Comparison’, Llafur 8 (2).
  • Berger, S., Croll, A. and LaPorte, N. (eds) (2005) Towards a Comparative History of Coalfield Societies (Aldershot: Ashgate).
  • Borsay, A. (2003) ‘”Fit to Work”: Representing Rehabilitation on the South Wales Coalfield during the Second World War’, in Borsay, A. (ed.) Medicine in Wales, c. 1800-2000: Public Service or Private Commodity? (Cardiff: University of Wales Press).
  • Campbell, A., (2000) The Scottish Miners, 1874-1939, 2 vols (London: Ashgate).
  • Church, R., (1986) The History of the British Coal Industry: Vol.3, 1830-1913: Victorian Pre-eminence (Oxford: Clarendon).
  • Derickson, A. (1989) ‘Part of the Yellow Dog: US Coal Miners’ Opposition to the Company Doctor System, 1936–1946’, International Journal of Health Services, 19:709–720.
  • Duckham, B.F. (1970) A History of the Scottish Coal Industry: Volume 1, 1700-1815 (Newton Abbot: David and Charles).
  • Emery, N. (1992) The Coalminers of Durham (Stroud: Allan Sutton).
  • Fagge, R. (1996) Power, Culture and Conflict in the Coalfields: West Virginia and South Wales, 1900-1922 (Manchester: Manchester University Press).
  • Flynn, M.W. (1983) The History of the British Coal Industry, Vol. 2: 1700-1830 (Oxford: Clarendon).
  • Freese, B. (2004) Coal: A Human History (London: William Heinemann).
  • Garside, W. R., (1971) The Durham Miners, 1919-1960 (London: Allen and Unwin).
  • Hatcher, J. (1993) The History of the British Coal Industry: Volume 1, Before 1700: Towards the Age of Coal (Oxford: Clarendon Press).
  • James, L. (2008) The Politics of Identity and Civil Society: The Miners in the Ruhr and South Wales, 1890-1926 (Manchester: Manchester University Press).
  • Mills, C. (2010) Regulating Health and Safety in the British Mining Industries, 1800-1914 (Aldershot: Ashgate).
  • Morris, J.H. and Williams, L.J. (1958) The South Wales Coal Industry, 1841-1875 (Cardiff: University of Wales Press).
  • Smith, K. and Smith, J. (2008) The Great Northern Miners (Newcastle-Upon-Tyne: Tyne Bridge Publishing).
  • Supple, B. (1987) The History of the British Coal Industry: Vol.4, 1913-1946: The Political Economy of Decline (Oxford: Clarendon).
  • Williams, C. (1998) Capitalism, Community and Conflict: the South Wales Coalfields, 1897–1947 (Cardiff: Cardiff University Press).